Monday, June 21, 2010

Caretakers House Tuesday, Gentle Hatha on Saturday, Restorative on Sunday, Om Namah Shivaya

hello everyone, and happy solstice!!

i hope you all are enjoying the warmer temperatures these days.

i'm writing to let you know that tuesday, community yoga at the caretakers house is happening this week (switched from last week).  the class will happen again on the first tuesday of july. please RSVP if you can make it. 848 Divisadero St. @ McCallister. 6:15-7:45pm. feel free to bring friends, as there has been lots of space in class these days. :)

also, as a reminder:

every Saturday, i'm teaching gentle hatha yoga at the yoga loft, from 12:45-2pm for $10. it's a community class, and all levels are welcome. 321 Divisadero St. @ Page.

Sunday, I will be teaching restorative yoga class once again, 6:30-8pm at the yoga loft.

Would love to see you soon in and out of class!

last but not least, wanted to leave you w/ the anusara invocation, to chant internally or audibly:

Om Namah Shivaya Gurave
Nishprapanchaya Shantaya
Niralambaya Tejase

one translation = 

Om. Reverence to the Divine Absolute, the Teacher, whose true form is Being, Consciousness, and Bliss, who is completely expansive, absolutely peaceful, without the need for any external support, and incandescent (with spiritual power). 

ommm shanti shanti

PS - Thursday July 8th, the Beth Custer Ensemble, Dina Maccabee Band, & Allison Lovejoy's Cabaret Nouveau at Cafe du Nord!!!